Friday, September 2, 2011

Free UK Hoodie for Everyone!

Update:  I'm the first to post about the real hoodie name, so if you change your post please give full credit to "@CpToogood at" Thanks!

Hey penguins!

Today I found a code *for all penguins* that unlocks the UK Hoodie!  It's just like when I posted about the Green Crosshatched Hoodie.

Here's how you get it:

1. Login to Club Penguin - but stop when you get to the "Pick a server" page.

2. Click the "Unlock Items" (top right) button when you get to the sever page.

3. Next, enter the code: FREEHOOD

4. After you click "Done" you have officially got the hoodie! Great job! ;-)

That's so cool! It seems like since Club Penguin raised the membership prices, they've been giving away more free items! :)

Have you gotten the UK Hoodie yet?

Leave a comment and let me know!

CPI Owner

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